

Our guest bloggers are writing furiously, coming up with interesting things to tell you about. Today we have some information about hockey!!

hockeyHockey is Canada’s most famous sport. Many kids play in minor hockey. If you play all your life when you are older you might be able to play in the N.H.L. My favorite team is the Calgary Flames and my favorite player is Jarome Iginla. The person who invented hockey is named Hans. The story is many hundreds of years ago the boy named Hans was skating on an ice covered river when he almost tripped over a branch. After that he picked it up it had another branch sticking out close to the bottom he broke the piece underneath the branch sticking out and then he leaned on it and started skating again and that helped him keep his balance. After a while he found a stone and hit it with the branch. It went flying and went under a bridge. Then a whole bunch of kids joined and they made teams. The next day they played but with a flat rock and that slided better. So they made disc shaped rubber clobs and called it a puck and thats how hockey was invented. Hockey is my favorite sport. I play on a team with my brother. The team is called Thunder! Hockey is really cool!




. . . hope in the Lord from this time on and forevermore. (Psalm 131:3)

 Yep, it’s Thursday! Thursdays always feel like they come and go so fast. The time we did have together, we worked on our math. In math we are looking at the seven times tables and multiply a single number by 10 and 100. Students learned that the easiest way to multiply by 10 and 100’s is to take the zeros off, multiply the remaining numbers and add the remaining zeros back on. The students caught on very quickly though we will take another look at this again next week.

wildpaintingcontrast2-800.jpgStudents also had floor hockey and art in the afternoon. For the past few weeks students have had Ms. Evans in the classroom doing art with the students while I have taken the enrichment group to do a mystery unit. Ms. Evans did a fabulous job with the kids. (Yeah, Ms. Evans!) It is such a blessing to work with such a great group of teachers. Everyone is so willing to share and help out that it just makes a great place to work. This week they were working on contrast in art. Students took white strips of paper cutting different types of lines into it. They then had to arrange the white strips onto the black construction paper in a pleasing and complex series of lines.



Once again, 3B brings you another post by a students guest blogger. A.L.R is going to write about a little about Egyptians!

TutTutankhamen the young Egypt king is now dead.The poor boy king is dead. He truly was only eighteen years old when he died. I bet his wife was very sad to lose him because he probably was a good person to know. King Tut’s son then became king of Egypt. A golden necklace was buried with the king when he died because they believed gold would keep the robbers away. Jewels were put into fold and charms too. Egyptian kings were buried in a royal graveyard when they died. Kings were buried with furniture to keep them company when they died. Egypt had two separate kingdoms: one from upper Egypt and one from lower Egypt. Egyptian people also did mummify men,women and children when they died.There is only one royal tomb which has never been found. That tomb is the tomb of king Tut’s father. Those are all the facts I would like to tell you right now!

I Can’t Write A Poem!

I Can’t Write A Poem!

Forget it

You must be kidding!

I don’t want to hurt a piece of paper

I’m too cute!

I can’t write on a empty stomach!

Times up?Uh-Oh!

All I have is a dumb list of exuses!

You like it? really!

Thanks alot!

What did you just say?

What We’ve Done

What We’ve Done

Today was another busy day. If I seem to ramble please forgive me. We just had so many things going on today. There is no devotion today as students were in chapel. They had a wonderful explanation of the story of Jesus washing the feet of Peter. In Language Arts, we started our sound poems and the ones I read today of the students were simply fantastic. We have some great creative writers in this class and their poems are a joy to read.

In Math, students did their math test for sections 15 and 16. If you would like to work with them on math related things at home, you can help them with their times tables facts and with the difference between perimeter and area. Perimeter is the distance around an object which can be added up to find the perimeter. Area is the amount of space inside an object. The area can be found by multiplying the width by the height.

Social and Science was finishing up tasks started a couple of classes ago. In social the students are continuing to work on reports about wither Kelowna or Fort Nelson. The reports are three paragraphs long which is something new for the students. In science, students are finishing postcards describing atmosphere and evidence which are two terms we have learned about in our study of space.

In talking to one of the parents in the class, I took another look at our newsletter and realized that I was missing a page. Somehow the page with the calendar did not get sent home with the others. So I will send them home again.

Lots of Things!

Lots of Things!


God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Genesis 1:31

Monday was a busy day here in 3B (And, really, when is it not?). In Language Arts, we started our Sound Poems. We used a new site today called Mindmeister for brainstorming. It looks like a very easy to use site and the students got the hang of it very quickly. I have been trying to get them using the smartboard more instead of me always using it and presenting to them. Here is the link to ours if you would like to go and add some ideas: SoundsI sent out some invitations to add some more sounds to our brainstorm. if you would like to as well, you can send me an e-mail at <ihancock at> using the symbol ‘at’ instead of the word. Here is the poem we did as a class.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="450" height="500" wmode="transparent" /]In math we have finished the four times tables along with converting from quarts to gallons and counting quarters to make a dollar. Tomorrow students will be working on their test for sections 15 and 16.

Here are the spelling words for this week:author aunt

uncle captain

chief sailor

nobody police

thief friend

indicate repeat

explain sentence

reprove request

object address

refuse mourn




As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive. (Colossians 3:12-13)

Students had a great day today. I was very encouraged to see that all the students knew their memory verses. I think the change in having students glue the verse into their planners really helped so we will continue with it. You should be seeing a home letter today

The students have also really been enjoying playing floor hockey. Our new South Korean student has really picked it up quickly and is one of the most active on the floor. It is great to see that even with the language barriers, he can still get into something like floor hockey. He is picking the language up quickly and is working hard to communicate which is great to see.

magnetThe choral poetry and the other poems should be on the blog this weekend. Speaking of poetry, here is a great site that might be fun for you to play with the students. It’s called Magnetic Poetry. Just like having magnets of words on your own fridge without the mess!

Have a great weekend and see you on Monday!

We’re Back in Business!

We’re Back in Business!


Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. (1 John 4:7)

It’s almost the end of the week and that means that it was a crazy Thursday with music, library and gym all happening on the same day. I have also replaced all the widgets on the blog. I decided to try a different book service as nothing seemed to be happening with the other one and, as you can see, it works though it is not as spiffy as the other one. Ah well! I also thought I would start adding the devotions that we do as a class to our blog so you can discuss them with your child as part of your evening devotions if you wish.The students’ “Colour Poems” are coming along beautifully. There are some truly beautiful and creative poems being written and I am very impressed with their ideas and the way they are stringing them together. As I mentioned in the newsletter, one of the changes I have seen in the class has been in the freedom they feel to be creative. I think that is plainly evident in their poetry with all the beautiful language and imagery being used.On a completely different note – Did you know that the Earth hums? Apparently scientists have noticed this for a long time.

“The planet emanates a constant rumble far below the limits of human hearing, even when the ground isn’t shaking from an earthquake. (It does not cause the ringing in the ear linked with tinnitus.) This sound, first discovered a decade ago, is one that only scientific instruments – seismometers – can detect. Researchers call it Earth’s hum.

Investigators suspect this murmur could originate from the churning ocean, or perhaps the roiling atmosphere.”

Here is a video we watched awhile ago on the size of planets compared to each other and other stars. It’s quite amazing.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Here’s something to check though. Are those numbers correct? Can they be compared with other sources? Which shouldn’t always take things for granted just because they are on t.v. or on the internet!

A Little Empty

A Little Empty

Hi everyone! I bet you’re thinking the site looks a little empty. I was having some problems with the widget that shows what books we are reading. The administrators suggested taking the other objects off to see which ones may be interfering. So the site will look a little empty for awhile but hopefully we’ll be able to get all the goodness back on soon!


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