It’s been awhile but we are back with another spelling list to celebrate our first full week in a while. Here are the words for the week. Make sure to click inside the box and scroll down to see all the words:
Don’t forget to head over to Spelling City to get your bonus point on the spelling test!
Our memory verse comes from Galatians 5:22 –
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness
Well, students have finally earned the first 25 stars. And to celebrate, we will be having a class party tomorrow afternoon. I have asked the students to bring snacks (chips, cookies, fruit, other snack items). If you could send those items to class tomorrow, that would be much appreciated.
We will also be doing our spelling test and memory verse in the morning.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend! My son and I traveled to the Lego Convention in Seattle and got to enjoy viewing the amazing creations found there! If you have a passion for lego, you should check out the convention as it is just amazing.
Here are the links to the Spelling City lists. Don’t forget that you can bring in your Spelling Certificate and get a bonus mark for your spelling test!
The memory verse for this week comes from 1 Corinthians 15:58:
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
It’s been a busy week and thus the blog posts have been few and far between. My apologies and I will try to be more regular with my posts.
First of all, there is no spelling list or memory verse for this week due to the shortened week. We will continue with the spelling and memory verse next week as per usual. After this next spelling list, we will be going back to review past spelling words and start doing more work with them in sentence form.
You may have noticed that your child brought home a poem in their planner (or pocket as the case may be). It is that time of year again and we are preparing for the Speech Meet which is held annually in Abbotsford. This is a big event for us and we always do very well. However, this year is a little different for us as we have a winter break between now and the day of the Speech Meet, which will be held on March 5. As we want to get our entries in before we leave, we will be choosing the students who will be going on February 10th. Participation is optional and if your child did not bring home a poem or memory verse that may mean they did not want to do it. Please ask your child if they selected a verse or poem to practice. Poems or memory verses must be memorized. We are also working on adding expression and proper standing postures to the recitations with students standing nice and straight with no hands in their pockets and their eyes on the audience. Adding expression is always hard for students but we are looking for students who can recite with confidence using a proper volume and with excitement in their voices. On February 10th, we will hear all the students from our class who chose to do a recitation and I will pick students from there. We are allowed to send 1 poem reader and 1 memory verse reader from the Grade 2 and 1 poem reader and 1 memory verse reader from the Grade 3’s in my class. If you have any questions or you need another copy of the poem please let me know!
Science has been a frantic, “let’s finish it up” time with students trying to get all their projects and papers done and in order before the deadline. Looking at the budgets from each class, all students were able to complete their projects on time and within budget. Luckily the storekeeper was very kind and gave some great deals towards the end of the projects. Projects will be going home tomorrow, but you can see them right now by watching the video below!
Our next science unit will be on States of Matter where students will be taking a close look at the properties of air, water, and gas.
In Language Arts, we have been continuing with our Daily 3 reading program. It has really been great to be able to work with small groups of students at the same time. As I work with the students in these small groups listening to them reading and working on certain aspects of their reading and comprehension skills, the other students are focused on sharing reading with a partner, reading on their own or reading along with a Cd. It has been a great program. For our writing, we have moved into organization of stories with a focus at this point on story beginnings. We have talked about how a story beginning needs to draw in readers and make them want to keep reading. One of the students today said that it is like writing the first part of a story and putting a “to be continued” at the end of it. It makes the reader interested in how the story is going to resolve itself. We took some common events from throughout the year, and drew a picture of ourselves doing that ordinary, everyday activity. However, the students added something interesting into the pictures to make it more exciting. Now, they are working on taking the picture and crafting it into a story beginning. At the same time, we have also talked about how we need to make our first sentence interesting as well, which is always a hard thing for students to do. We talked about how they can use beginnings like “One day . . . “, “It was a warm and bright . . . “, use conversations to start a story or use a book to find a beginning that you can adapt and use in your own story. We have already been getting some very interesting story beginnings. From there, we will work on the middles of stories and endings. I also told the students that I had a crazy idea for putting all those story beginning, middles and endings together into one story but I would tell them later. I will give you a clue though:
Speaking of Oliver Jeffers, if you haven’t read any of his children’s books, I highly recommend them. They are lots of fun and the illustrations are beautiful! They have also made one of his books into an animated video, which you can see a preview of right here:
I have placed some new links on the side. You should see a link to the Reading A-Z site where students can read books online and have them read to them as well! I have also put a link to a neat site where students can make regular maps and treasure maps to play with and print out. The last link is to a neat free program where students can make cool mindmaps of anything they want. It is free but annoying pop ups to buy to program come up every once and awhile.
Are You Ready For December? The Mrhclassblog Is!!!
Ahh! Flakes falling gently. Snow crunching underfoot! Snowmen being made by little Grade 3 children. Snowballs flying through the air! I love the winter season!
Wait a minute . . .
Oh. Right. I forgot.
I live in B.C now. Rain, rain, more rain and . . . . wait for it . . . that’s right! More rain! I miss the snow. Lucky for you and me. I brought some now from Alberta to the blog. I hope you enjoy it. We had a good start to the week. In science, students are quickly finishing up the first part of the science unit on building. Last week, we learned that stable objects are objects that do not tip over easily and stand up on their own. We did an experiment with a variety of containers and had a little tournament to see which one would stand the longest as the table they were standing on was tilted slowly up. From that experiment, we learned that the taller and object is, the wider the base had to be and the more weight there had to be on the bottom.
Here is a video of some kids trying to build a tall structure. Do you notice anything about their structure that matches what we learned last week and today?
Do you notice anything about these buildings? (I didn’t write it so the spelling mistakes are not mine!!)
Using that knowledge, students have now been assigned the task of designing a sippy cup for Siena that will be stable and not tip over easily. The results should be very interesting!
Our Daily 3 is now on the way to running smoothly. The Listening Centre area had a few more kinks in it than I expected. But it is working better now. Thank you to all the parents who donated machines to the class. They are working beautifully. My goal and objective now is to start working in small groups with students focusing on books and reading strategies specifically geared to their age and reading level. We will be doing novel studies and comprehension activities as a small group of no more than 4 students. It should be very good. I will also be working with individual students to hear how their reading is doing and provide individual attention on an on-going basis.
As always, here is the spelling city link. Remember that if you bring me your completed test, you can receive an extra mark on your spelling test on Friday!!! The more you practice your words using games and other activities, the stronger your neurons and axons get!!!
Our Memory Verse continues on the Christmas-y theme here at Mrhclassblog! It is from Luke 2:10:
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
Finally, I thought this would be good to add to our collection of videos. This is from a cd of Science music we were listening to last week. It is by a group called “They Might Be Giants”. Anyone from my generation might remember them. Anyway, they have been getting into children’s music lately and this CD has a great collection of songs. The added DVD has the songs as videos and I found some of them on youtube. Enjoy!
Spelling and Memory Verse Are Only A Few Things Happening This Week
My apologies! Not having had spelling for the last couple of weeks, I had forgotten to add the spelling list and memory verse to the site for this week.
Here are the spelling words for this week. Read all the way to the bottom as there are some other announcements.
Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!
We have had an extremely busy week and it does not look like it is going to let up! Students have been doing really well with their focus and we have gotten a lot done! In math, we have gotten over the first hurdle with multiplying big numbers. We are now reviewing rounding and estimating. However, we will soon be getting back to multiplying big numbers. Any practice you can do with multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers would be helpful.
In science, we have been having a lot of fun studying space. We have really been getting into depth with space and have been learning all about constellations and our place in the solar system. In the last few classes, we have learned about why the Sun appears to be the same size as the Moon though the Sun is so far away. We also learned how that relates to the stars as they all appear to be so close together so they are actually many light years apart. On Thursday, we are starting something very exciting. We have joined up with a group of scientists and astronauts to grow a set of 60 tomato seeds. Half of the seeds (we don’t know which) were taken into space and exposed to space conditions. The experiment is to determine whether or not the seeds that have been in space will grow differently than regular seeds. This is a real experiment and we will be sending in our results once we have completed the experiment.
Here are some other things happening:
Tomorrow (Weds), we will be participating in Earth Day. As a class, we will be walking through the neighbourhood, picking up garbage as a way to help keep Chilliwack clean. If you would like to join us, we will be going on our walk after lunch at 1:30 for about 1hr and 30 mins.
Thurs is class photo day. Students should wear their full dress uniform.
Sunday is Highroad Sunday. My family will be at Highroad for the Sunday service. Stop by and say hi and see how much Siena has grown!!
Finally, Weds is our class field trip to Science World. The permission forms went home today. Please make sure they come back signed. If you are interested in joining us, please let me know!
Wow, that was a lot of info! I guess that is what happens when you don’t write for awhile!
Spelling for the Week, Memory Verse and Math Problems!
Here is the link to the Spelling City for this week. Remember, if you bring in your certificate with 100% on it, you can get an extra mark on your spelling this week!!!
We have been working on our Math Problems of the Day and today we have three to display!!! M.M, D.W and N.G all did a Math Problem using the website. Here are their results and how they worked out the problem.
D.W came up with the solution this problem: A telephone company charges 50 cents for the first 3 minutes of a phone call and 10 cents for every minute after. A 4 minute phone call will cost 60 cents. How much will a 15 minute call cost?
N.G. came up with the solution to this problem:
A soccer game is 75 minutes long. If the game starts at 11:25, at what time does it finish?
Our memory verse for this week comes from Psalm 37:1-2:
Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.
Today was a busy day for a Monday. We had quite a few people missing today so it made it a good day for some “Ketchup”; a term I use when we take some time for the students to finish up projects or work we have been dealing with for awhile. We also worked on our next spelling word list. The spelling list can be downloaded here (spelling-n-1).
Here is the link to the Spelling City list. As you can see, I have added the number of the spelling list so you can be sure that you have the right one.
Here is the bible verse for this week. It is one of my favorites and one that I used when I gave my testimony.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.
Today was a special day as Stephen came back to us. It was so good to have him back after being away with appendicitis!
There was a lot going on today. One big thing was that we ended off our building today. You can see the final budget totals by clicking the link “The Kids Who Rock At Building” link at the very top of the page. We are going to be finishing off their booklets to be handed in and marked. Our next unit of study will be Space. I love this unit as do the students and I am looking forward to doing lots of really cool projects and learning all about space with the students.
Students will be having a quiz on their adding, subtracting and multiplying facts starting on Friday. We will be doing a practice tomorrow. If you would like some practice pages, you can create your own using the Math Facts Cafe link on the left side. For math, students have just finished learning the 6 times tables and equivalent fractions.
Please continue to help your child with their reading every night. They should be reading at least 10 mins a night.
Our memory verse this week is:
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Ephesians 4:30-31
We will be doing their memory verses on Friday this week. A number of students had difficulty remembering that they needed to be practicing last week.
Here are the spelling words for this week. You can download them here spelling-m-7or from the widget on the right side of the page: