Last Days of School!

Last Days of School!

Only a couple more days left till the end of the year. It’s amazing how fast this year has gone by! Your children have grown so much this year! It has been such a huge blessing to have been a part of your child’s journey this year.

Just a couple last things before the end arrives.

Last Day

Reminder that the last day is Thursday. Students will be dismissed at 11:30. It is also a Knights Day that day. Students will still need their backpacks on the last day.

Cultus Lake

A note went home yesterday with a final reminder about our trip to Cultus Lake tomorrow. I have pasted it below as well.


When: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 

Where: Cultus Lake Waterslides 

Time: Leaving School at 8:30pm. Returning to school at approx. 3:00. 

Cost: There will be no cost to HRA Grade 4, 5 and 6 students. Parents are welcome to join us and will pay the school rate at the gate.  

On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, the Grade 4, 5 and 6’s will head to the Cultus Lake Waterslides for their year-end fieldtrip. We will be leaving promptly at 8:30 and returning at approx. 3:00.  

Parents and small children are welcome to come along for the day, but due to the high number of students, we will not be able to provide transportation. Students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 have already paid for this fieldtrip through their fieldtrip fund. Parents and siblings 4 and under who wish to come along may pay a school rate at the park. In order to respect our grade specific field trips, please do not pull other school age children from class to go to the waterslides. Students who go to the waterslides on the bus must return unless they have made arrangements with the classroom teacher.  Please note that students may only travel to and from the slides in vehicles with their parents.   

In bathing suit selection, please refer to our non-uniform standard. Please err on the side of modesty to help make staff, parents and students feel comfortable. If a child’s bathing suit does not meet these standards, they may be asked to wear a t – shirt.  

This will be a rain or shine fieldtrip so please come prepared!  

Students should have the following items: 

  • Sunscreen 
  • Hats 
  • Swimwear 
  • Clothes to change into 
  • Towels 
  • Money (optional – for the canteen) 
  • Backpack 
  • Lunch/snack 
Publishing Our Book of Poetry, Parent Transition Meeting and More!

Publishing Our Book of Poetry, Parent Transition Meeting and More!

Poetry Book Project

Our Grade 5 and 6 class has been working on an exciting project: writing and publishing a book of poetry for their kindergarten buddies. We got an exciting delivery this week of our published poetry books. We received two copies, one of which will go to the library and the other will go to the kindergarten class. They look so beautiful and the students did such a great job with them. I was really proud of their efforts. I have embedded the book below:

Kindergarten Poetry Book by The Students of Grade 5 and 6

Upcoming Grade 6 Discussion

As you know from the recent emails home, we have our sex education afternoons coming up for Grade 6 students only. We understand this can be a sensitive topic, so we want to make sure everyone feels comfortable. Information packages are available at the office for those who want to learn more. Attendance is not mandatory, and you can pick up your child at noon on  Tuesday, June 11th, if you prefer.

Upcoming Grade 6 Transition Parent Meeting

We have a Grade 6 Transition Parent Meeting on Monday, June 10th, from 2:55 PM to 3:25 PM in the chapel. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the move to Grade 7 and to ask any questions you might have. On the same day, students will meet with the Grade 7 teachers from 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM in the chapel to discuss the transition and get their questions answered.

Bible Memory Verse

This week’s Bible memory verse is Isaiah 40:31.

It goes like this:

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

What does this mean?

  1. Hope and Trust: This verse tells us that when we place our hope and trust in God, He gives us the strength we need. Life can sometimes be challenging, but trusting in God can help us overcome those difficulties.
  2. Renewed Strength: Just like how you feel energized after a good night’s sleep or a refreshing break, God can give us a fresh burst of energy and strength when we need it most. Whether it’s studying for a test, participating in sports, or dealing with personal challenges, having faith can help us feel renewed.
  3. Soaring Like Eagles: Eagles are known for their powerful and graceful flight. When the verse says we will “soar on wings like eagles,” it means that with God’s help, we can rise above our problems and challenges. We can achieve great things and reach new heights.
  4. Running Without Getting Tired: This part of the verse is about perseverance. When we hope in God, we can keep going even when things get tough. It’s like running a long race without getting too tired – we keep moving forward with determination.
  5. Walking Without Fainting: Sometimes, life requires us to keep going even when we feel like giving up. This verse encourages us that with God’s strength, we can keep walking our path without feeling overwhelmed.

Why is this important for you?

As students, they face many challenges – schoolwork, friendships, family responsibilities, and more. This verse reminds them that they are not alone. When they feel tired, stressed, or worried, they can turn to God for strength and encouragement. Trusting in Him can help them handle anything that comes their way.

So, whenever they feel like they need a little extra strength or encouragement, remember Isaiah 40:31. It’s a powerful reminder that with hope and trust in God, they can overcome any obstacle and achieve amazing things.

Rain, Rain, Go Away….

Rain, Rain, Go Away….

Hope you’re all doing well! As we enter into June, there will be lots of updates and information going home with all the plans that usually come with the end of the year. Please bear with us. I know this is time is just as busy for all of you and we appreciate all your efforts.

Poetry Book Project

Our Grade 5 and 6 class has been working on an exciting project: writing and publishing a book of poetry for their kindergarten buddies. During one of our times with the kindergarten class, we were laughing about what an elephant ladybug would look like. One of our students said, “Wouldn’t it be funny if animals dreamed of being other animals?” And an idea was born. Since we were in the middle of our poetry unit, we developed a poem template, brainstormed animals and what they might dream of being, and each student wrote a poem based on their chosen animal.

We’ve been using the design program Canva all year, and students each created their own page for the good copy of their poem. Using AI tools within Canva, students created a picture of what their animal would look like, completing their page. I then compiled all the pages into one book. In the next couple of days, we will be editing their pages, and upon completion, we will send the book off to be printed, purchasing one book for the kindergarten class and one for the library. This project provides a unique audience for the students’ written work that goes beyond just their teacher, and the students are very excited to see the completed book. Here is an example of one of the pages:

Pokemon Cards

While this is not usually an issue at the Grade 5/6, we’d like to just make a general note asking that Pokemon cards be kept at home to prevent distractions and disruptions in the classroom and on the playground. While we understand how much fun these cards can be, issues can arise when things like “trades” happen. Thanks for your help with this!

Art Gala Appreciation

A huge thank you to everyone who came out to the Art Gala! It was a fantastic evening celebrating the amazing artwork of our intermediate students. Your presence and encouragement made the event even more special. Our students work so hard on their art during the year and it is such a privilege to be able to have them displayed all in one place for one night of the year for every one to see, rather than just having them sent home. It is always one of my favourite nights of the year and an important way to give students an audience for their work.

Upcoming Grade 5/6 Puberty Discussion

As you know from the recent email home, we have our puberty and sex education afternoons coming up for Grades 5 and 6. We understand this can be a sensitive topic, so we want to make sure everyone feels comfortable. Information packages are available at the office for those who want to learn more. Attendance is not mandatory, and you can pick up your child at noon on Tuesday, June 4th, and Tuesday, June 11th, if you prefer.

Grade 5 students will only attend the first session on puberty and won’t participate in the sex education afternoon.

Upcoming Grade 6 Transition Parent Meeting

We have a Grade 6 Transition Parent Meeting on Monday, June 10th, from 2:55 PM to 3:25 PM in the chapel. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the move to Grade 7 and to ask any questions you might have. On the same day, students will meet with the Grade 7 teachers from 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM in the chapel to discuss the transition and get their questions answered.

Bible Memory Verse

This week’s Bible memory verse is Isaiah 29:30. This verse is a great reminder for our Grade 5 and 6 students about the importance of wisdom and understanding as they continue to grow academically and personally. It encourages them to seek knowledge and stay strong in their faith, even when things get tough.

Thanks for all your support and involvement in your child’s education. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out.

Finishing Up With May

Finishing Up With May

We had a wonderful Spring Concert on Thursday. The students worked so hard and it was such a wonderful celebration of the music the students have been doing. We have such an amazing music program and the students loved learning the different ways we can praise and worship our Lord with music.

Here are a few pictures:

We are into the last couple of weeks of May but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot happening. Here’s a rundown:

Willy Wonka Play:

On Friday Grades 3 & 4-6 will be away in the morning to see Willy Wonka. We will be taking two trips there and back and both groups will have some time to play at the park by the theatre. We will be bringing water bottles & lunch kits as there is a snack intermission.

Kindness Crew Ice Cream Party:

Will take place May 27th & 28th after lunch recess. As a thank you for helping out on Kindness Crew, students can go out for recess, grab their lunch and then head to ROOM THREE (off of the gym) once the bell goes. This should not affect the kindness crew supervision as students will come on the days they are not in primary classrooms. Students who are working /worked on Mon, Wed, Fri & substitute will come on Monday. Students who are working/worked on Tuesday and Thurs will come on Tuesday.

Art Gala:

We are delighted to extend an enthusiastic invitation to our upcoming Art Gala, where we will proudly present a collection of artwork created by our exceptionally talented students in Grades 4, 5, and 6. This event promises to be a wonderful celebration of their artistic achievements throughout the past year, and we cordially invite all families to join us for an unforgettable evening filled with creativity and inspiration.

Date: May 27 from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM. Location: Chapel

To create a warm and inclusive atmosphere, we kindly request that students be accompanied by their parents or guardians. This will provide an opportunity for families to share in the joy and pride of witnessing their child’s artistic endeavours firsthand.

Should you have any inquiries or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. We eagerly anticipate sharing this remarkable evening with you, as we honour and celebrate the artistic achievements of our students.

Puberty & Sex Ed Afternoon:

Recently, families received an email about the upcoming puberty and sex education afternoons for Grades 5 & 6 students. The school is offering information packages at the office for those who want to learn more. While attendance is not mandatory, parents have the option to pick up their child at noon on Tuesday, June 4th & 11th if they prefer. Grade five students will only attend the first session on puberty this year and will not participate in the sex education afternoon.

Memory Verse for tomorrow:

Our memory verse for tomorrow is Isaiah 40:28.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

Other upcoming dates:

  • June 14th – ½ day
  • June 19th – Grades 4-6 Cultus Lake Waterslides
  • June 20th – Last Day of School & half day
Concert Reminder

Concert Reminder

Just a reminder that for the Spring Showcase, we encourage students to dress in attire that reflects the joyful spirit of the season and can wear it to school tomorrow in lieu of their usual uniforms. For the attire:

  • Opt for jeans, shorts, or flowy dresses in bright, cheerful colors.
  • Avoid track pants and sweatshirts/hoodies.
  • Be mindful of dress length if performing on stage.
  • Gentlemen can rock a stylish suit.

Most importantly, wear something that makes you feel great and ready to have a blast at the concert!

A Couple of Notes

A Couple of Notes

Uniform Fit Day

This is a friendly reminder that we will be hosting a uniform fit day on Wednesday, May 15th in the church lobby from 1:00 – 5:00. This is a great opportunity for parents to ensure their children have the correct sizes for the upcoming school year. We will have McCarthy staff on hand to assist with fittings and answer any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you there!

Shorts & Sandals

As we welcome the arrival of warmer weather, we kindly remind everyone that on Friday Knight’s Day and casual field trip days, it’s important to ensure that casual shorts meet the school’s dress code. According to the uniform policy, all shorts should reach the length of the student’s extended fingertips when standing with arms flat against their sides.  For students in grades 3-6, please note that shorts not meeting this requirement will result in wearing gym strip shorts instead, and K-2 students will need a parent to bring in an appropriate pair of shorts. During this season, sandals in black, brown, grey, white, or a mix of these colours are suitable, but they must have a back strap for student safety during recess. Thank you for your cooperation and support in maintaining a respectful and appropriate dress code.

Bible Memory Verse

The verse this week is Isaiah 40:28, which reads:

Do you not know?
    Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
    and his understanding no one can fathom.

Through Isaiah 40:28, God is teaching students the importance of recognizing His sovereignty, trusting in His strength, and relying on His wisdom. It serves as a reminder of God’s constant presence and support in their lives, instilling in them a sense of faith and assurance as they navigate their journey.

Invitation to Our Art Gala and Spring Showcase!

Invitation to Our Art Gala and Spring Showcase!

The end of May is going to be a busy time of events.

First, I want to extend a warm invitation to our upcoming Art Gala and Spring Showcase! These events are wonderful opportunities for us to come together as a community and celebrate the remarkable talents and achievements of our students.

Art Gala – May 27 from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM – Chapel: Join us for an enchanting evening at our Art Gala, where we will proudly showcase the incredible artwork crafted by our talented students in Grades 4, 5, and 6. This event promises to be a delightful celebration of creativity and inspiration. We cordially invite all families to attend and share in the joy of witnessing their child’s artistic endeavours firsthand.

To ensure a warm and inclusive atmosphere, we kindly request that students be accompanied by their parents or guardians. This will provide an opportunity for families to bond and revel in the beauty of their child’s artistic expression together.

Spring Showcase – May 16th at 1:30 PM – Gym: We are also excited about our upcoming Spring Showcase on May 16th at 1:30 PM in the gym. This event promises to be a delightful afternoon filled with music and talent, and we would love to see you there!

For the Spring Showcase, we encourage students to dress in attire that reflects the joyful spirit of the season:

  • Opt for jeans, shorts, or flowy dresses in bright, cheerful colors.
  • Avoid track pants and sweatshirts.
  • Be mindful of dress length if performing on stage.
  • Gentlemen can rock a stylish suit.

Most importantly, wear something that makes you feel great and ready to have a blast at the concert!

Bible Memory Verse – Psalm 95:6: “Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” This verse encourages us to approach God with reverence and humility, recognizing His sovereignty and majesty. It teaches us the importance of worshiping God with our whole hearts, acknowledging Him as our Creator and sustainer.

We are excited about these upcoming events and look forward to celebrating with you and your children. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.

I Didn’t Forget May the Fourth!!!

I Didn’t Forget May the Fourth!!!

Even though the day has now passed, I haven’t forgot one of my favorite days of the year and I am so looking forward to our Star Wars day tomorrow! In celebration, here are some things I have found scattered around the universe!

It’s finally here!!!!




What If Dr. Seuss Wrote Star Wars!


Here is a fun Star Wars video I found made entirely out of paper!

Finally, here is a great lego stop motion of one of my favorite scenes from The Empire Strikes Back along with a bunch of great Star Wars videos!

Lots Happening in May!

Lots Happening in May!

April went by in a flash and May looks to be going the same way! More importantly, I hope you enjoyed Star Wars day yesterday. You can see below that my family was out enjoying the day with our friends, the Nelson’s, who also love getting into the spirit of the day!

I have some important updates and reminders for you as we head into the latter part of the school year. Please take note of the following:

Spring Sing Attire – May 16th: Spring Sing is just around the corner on May 16th at 1:30 pm. For this special event, we kindly ask that students wear jeans, shorts, or dresses (please ensure dresses are mindful of length, especially if singing from a microphone). T-shirts should be brightly colored in spring tones, think of the colors of flowers. Solid colors are preferred, with no large logos. Boys are welcome to wear suits if they wish. Please avoid tracksuits or sweatshirts.

Star Wars Day – Tomorrow: Tomorrow is Star Wars Day! Students are encouraged to dress as their favorite superhero (real or made-up) or Star Wars character. Those who prefer not to dress up can wear their uniforms. Please remember, no fake weapons are allowed.

Bible Memory Verse – Psalm 95:5: This week’s Bible Memory Verse is Psalm 95:5. This verse reminds us of God’s greatness and the wonders of His creation. It teaches us to approach God with reverence and awe, recognizing His power and majesty.

Track Meet Recap: Our recent track meet was a tremendous success! We want to thank all the students who represented Highroad Academy so well. It was a fantastic day, and we are grateful for the beautiful weather (though some of us are nursing a bit of sunburn!).

Upcoming Events:

  • May 17th – PD Day: Please note that May 17th is a Professional Development (PD) Day, and there will be no classes for students.
  • May 27th – Art Gala: Our annual Art Gala will take place on May 27th. More details will be provided closer to the date.
  • June 19th – Grades 4-6 Cultus Lake Waterslides: We’re excited to announce a fun day at Cultus Lake Waterslides for Grades 4-6 on June 19th. Permission forms will be sent home soon.
  • June 20th – Last Day of School & Half Day: The last day of school is June 20th, and it will be a half day for students. More details about end-of-year activities will be shared as we get closer to the date.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.

Important Upcoming Events for Grade 5 and 6!

Important Upcoming Events for Grade 5 and 6!

Hi Grade 5 and 6 Parents,

Exciting times are ahead with several fun and important events coming up for our students. Here’s what you need to know:

Bake Sale – Tuesday: We are thrilled to announce that the Kindness Crew will be hosting a bake sale supporting the library on Tuesday. All items will be priced at $1, and students will have the opportunity to purchase goodies throughout the day. If you’re planning to contribute treats, please drop them off in the lobby before school. For those bringing trays, please ensure your name is clearly labeled so we can return them to you. Thank you for your support!

Shorts Reminder: A friendly reminder for our girls that shorts worn on non-uniform days must be longer than the tips of their fingers when their arms are at their sides.

Bible Memory Verse – Psalm 95:4: “In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him.” This verse reminds us of God’s sovereignty over all creation. It teaches us that we can trust in God’s power and wisdom, knowing that He holds everything in His hands.

Track Meet – Thursday: Our Track Meet is fast approaching! For those going on the bus, the bus/shuttle will be departing at approximately 7:00 am and returning around 3:45 pm, depending on traffic. Please ensure your child is prepared for the weather, as a little rain is expected. Students should bring hats, appropriate clothing, snacks and lunches, water bottles, and sunscreen. We are also still looking for helpers if you have some time to join us.

Star Wars Day – May 6: May the Force be with you! One of my favourite days of the year and one of the few times my wife allows me to wear my Star Wars outfit!! Star Wars Day is coming up on May 6, and we encourage students to come dressed as their favorite Star Wars or superhero character. Students should not bring plastic play weapons to school.

Poetry Unit – We are in the midst of our poetry unit learning to analyze poems and write a variety of free verse poems. Our latest poem was a type of free verse poetry called Pieces and Parts. Students wrote a noun, a verb and an adjective on one stickie each and posted them on the wall of the classroom. Once all the contributions were in, students were put into groups of 3 and challenged to use those words (plus additional prepositions, articles, adverbs and “to be” verbs) to create a poem that made sense. It was a a lot of fun seeing creativity at work! To help with the creativity, I brought in some cut up donuts (Pieces and Parts!) to enjoy. The completed “nonsense” poems were lots of fun to read! I have put some samples below:


One of the poems we read recently was a bit of a surprise to students. It was a heartwarming poem written by Kobe Bryant about his career in basketball. After reading the poem, the students all were a little choked up with the emotional depth of the poem especially after learning that he had written it before his death in a tragic accident. Using the poem, we worked re-reading the poem several times to look for words, phrases and anything we noticed about the style of the poem. Then we worked on analyzing who the narrator was and what we knew about the speaker, the setting of the poem and the mood the author was trying to convey. Finally we wrote a summary of the poem and an explanation of what the poet was trying to teach us and a picture showing what the poem looked like to us.

Here is a neat video I found of the poem:

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.

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