Math Mayhem

Math Mayhem

Are you ready for some Math Mayhem? Highroad Academy is hosting an exciting math event on Feb 22 from 6:30-8, and you won’t want to miss it!

This event, organized by the High School math students, is open to all kids in grades K-9, and it’s the perfect opportunity to have fun while improving your math skills. The High School have promised an evening of math games and activities that are sure to challenge and engage kids of all ages.

But, there’s a catch – parents need to come too! If you’re in grade 6 or under, you’ll need to bring your parents with you to the event. The organizers want to make sure everyone has a great time, but they also want to ensure everyone is supervised and safe.

So, what should you bring? A “ready to play” attitude! Come prepared to have fun and learn at the same time. You’ll be playing games, solving puzzles, and doing other activities that will help you improve your math skills without even realizing it.

Math Mayhem is an excellent opportunity to make math fun and accessible for all kids!

So mark your calendars for Feb 22 from 6:30-8, and get ready for Math Mayhem at Highroad Academy. Don’t forget to bring your parents, a great attitude, and be ready to have some fun!

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