Science, Genius Hour and More!

Science, Genius Hour and More!

It’s been a busy week here in Grade 4. Lot’s of stuff happening and more things to come. The class is abuzz with things.

Today in Science, we talked about atmosphere and air pressure. It was very exciting. We discussed how air was weight and exerts pressure. Looking at these two concepts, we first showed how hot air makes air molecules spread out and makes the air molecules lighter. This concept can be especially seen with hot air balloons. With cold air, the molecules slowed down and move closer together. As they get closer together, more molecules are grouped together. This makes cold air heavier. Taking those ideas, students did a really cool activity where they took grocery bags with a straw taped to the top so that the bag was wrapped air tight around the straw. We then had the students put the bags on a table with the straws sticking out. We then placed another table flipped over on top of the bags. Students then blew into the bags, which caused the air in the bags to warm up. This caused the air molecules inside the bag to expand, which pushed the table up! We then tried the same thing again but on the second attempt we added Noah sitting on the top of the second desk. When air was blown into the bags both the table and Noah were lifted into the air. The power of air pressure at work! This concept is important in explaining how weather works and will be particularly important when we get to talking about high and low pressure systems! It was a fun class and the students were all amazed at how such a simple thing could have such strength.

Here is the video we saw about how hot air balloons work. I also added a couple of videos about the floating lanterns which are part of a Chinese festival and which are a big part of the movie Tangled.


I also told the students that there would be a science quiz on the water cycle on Monday. I have placed the study notes on the blog below. I have also given students a paper copy.

Water Cycle Quiz Study Notes

Genius Hour is tomorrow. I have told the students that if they think that they will be ready to start their projects tomorrow, they are to bring their materials in. However, and some students seem to be confused about this, students need to have my permission to start their projects and they need to be doing the majority of the project at school.

Students need to have my permission to start their projects so that I can ensure that they know what they need to do and to make sure that they will be safe. I also have some students who are doing quite a bit of Genius Hour stuff at home and not realizing that they have the time to do it at school. This is not homework. Genius Hour is designed to be done mostly at school. There may be some things that need to be done at home but that should be very little. The students get an hour a week to work on their projects and should have things to do for that hour at school.  This way, we can ensure that students have a process, a plan and are doing things that will challenge them. I am looking forward to our Genius Hour time tomorrow!!!

3 thoughts on “Science, Genius Hour and More!

  1. My mom does no believe me that we can bring our electronics so please reply and i will show her so that next week i will be able to do genius hour.

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