This Poem is the Cat’s Meow!

This Poem is the Cat’s Meow!

Sorry for the long post yesterday. A lot of necessary information to let you know about. Today was, once again, our busy day. We continued our plant observations in amongst all the craziness of moving from one place to the other. At the present time we have 33 plants growing with most of the growth being in the Seed B group though the two groups are not too far apart in numbers (Seeds A = 15 / Seeds B = 18). Some of the plants are even growing more than one leaf now. Amazing!

The permission forms did not get handed out today so they will be going home tomorrow. However, you can print one out from the widget to the right and send it in.

As we are in the midst of our poetry unit, I thought I would try to post one poem a day from now to the end of our unit. Here is today’s:

Rebecca Kai Dotlich

She stared at me from where she sat,
one matted lump of fragile cat
who wore a grayish tattered ear —

she heard me whisper cat, come here.

A squint, a lick, a paw so small,
she did not move or purr at all —
just skin and bones and stars above her.

And that is how I came to love her.

For Science, I found this awesome video taken from a satellite out in space orbiting the Earth. The satellite video shows the earth orbiting the Sun and rotating creating night and day! Towards the end of the video you can also see the Moon orbiting the Earth. This satellite is in geostationary orbit, so it’s revolving around the earth at the same rate the Earth is rotating.

5 thoughts on “This Poem is the Cat’s Meow!

  1. If you were a cow,
    I’d be the chicken.
    We’d live on a farm,
    And go blackberry pickin’.

    We’d sit in the meadow,
    all day long.
    We’d name all the clouds,
    and write our own song.

    And it would go:
    moo moo cluck cluck moo moo moo
    cluck cluck moo cluck moo moo cluck

  2. In the middle of a doughnut, why is there a hole?
    In the lawn there’s a hole, could it be we have a
    The mole is dead, did dad use a trap?
    There’s a trap in the garage, could it be for a

    We have a rat, but the cheese is not gone?
    The cheese has gone moldy, what else can go wrong?
    If lying is wrong, the how can we sleep?
    If we sleep with cotton, the what good are sheep?

    If sheep are for eating, will the doughnuts get
    In the middle of a doughnut, why is there a hole?

  3. Those are awesome poems, Stef!! Where did you get them? Thank you for sharing them. I will show the class tomorrow!

    Mr. H

  4. wow those were good poems. Were they by Jesaca? well who ever they were by they were good. Oh and Stefanie and I are having a sleep over at my house!

  5. Mr.He me as Madeline,Stefanie and Darby played out side and played Jon and Kate pluse 8.

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