Our Videothread is done!!!

Our Videothread is done!!!

Here is our videothread on Safe and Caring Communities. The class worked very hard on them and are very proud of their accomplishments. It can be kind of scary to do something new but all the students contributed and had fun! We hope to do more of these this year. If you would like to do your own at home and add them to the voicethread, the website is http://voicethread.com/

You can tell us about your favorite book, about your favorite things, your pets, something that interests you like volcanoes or anything like that. Remember, don’t use your name or anything personal about yourself like where you live or your age. Do it with your family. They will not only help you and encourage you but they will also keep you safe! When you are done, add a comment and let me know where to find your voicethread. Then we will add it to our class website! Have fun!

[kml_flashembed movie="http://voicethread.com/book.swf?b=8911" width="450" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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