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Tag: summer picnic

Summer Fun

Summer Fun

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. I was going to put a year end good-bye grade 3 message on here at the end of the school year but then I realized that none of you are actually going away. You will always be a part of my class and a part of this blog. So, having said that, I won’t do a good-bye message but will instead add things over the summer for any of you that are may be taking a peek at the blog, which I doubt many of you will as you fine people have many better things to do than sit around and look at a computer screen . . . oh dear.

Anyway, I thought that as it was summer, I might give you a little tip as to how to make your days enjoyable. I came across this list of picnic ideas. Yes, my dear friends, picnics are to summer as Russions are to big, loud symphonies with cannons; tough to figure out sometimes but always enjoyable.

I found this list on the New York Times website. And who knows picnics better than the New York Times. I don’t know anyone else. Do you? Didn’t think so. You can find the actual article here.

Read this document on Scribd: Picnicideas

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