Who Wants More Skating?
Didn’t Thanksgiving seem to go by in a blur? Here and gone again for another year. But it’s not really gone is it? If you are anything like me, who ate way too much, those memories are still hanging around. But also, the idea behind Thanksgiving is one that should always be with us.
This year I am thankful for:
My beautiful family
The health of my two wonderful children
The blessings of a wonderful country to live
A living God who constantly challenges me
The students in my class who really have settled in and are working so hard.
All the visitors to our blog!
Enough of the mushy stuff! Just a reminder that tomorrow students will be going skating again. They will be allowed to wear play clothes again.
It has been a busy week with lots of things happening. For Language Arts, we are slowly working our way through the novel, “Safe As Houses”. It is a challenging book but the students are rising to the challenge and are quite excited to see how true events and stories can be turned into an exciting fiction story. Our unit on Ideas is our focus for writing. Students have been working on ways to generate ideas focusing on generating a main idea and building support for it by thinking of a table. The top of the table is the main idea while the legs provide the support.
In Math, we have started looking at division as the opposite of multiplication where you are looking for the missing factor. We started by looking at a math sentence like 2x=8. Solving for the missing number is basically division. You can look at that as saying 8 divided by 2 or how many twos do you need to make 8. Students have caught on pretty quickly which is nice to see. When you look at it as the opposite of multiplication, it is really not that hard. What will be hard is when we get to the multiple digit division but we will cross that bridge when we get to it! Please continue to practice the multiplication times tables with your children. The better they know the times tables, the easier everything else will be for them.
Speaking of which, there is going to be a 7x tables quiz on Friday! If you need practice pages, you can use the Math Cafe link on the left side of the page. At the Math Cafe, you can create and print off worksheets for the students to practice with for free!
Now that we have eased into the school year, the next couple of weeks are going to be a busy time as new programs come into place. We will be starting spelling lists next week as well as our Home Reading program! Be on the lookout for more information!