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Author: eoin24

We are a class from British Columbia, Canada. We are a class of 19 very curious and excited students that enjoy a wide range of activities (although gym always seems to come out on top!). We are interested in technology and how we can use it in the classroom to connect with our families and other people around the world.
Parents! Love Reading Books? Want to Make Some Extra Money?

Parents! Love Reading Books? Want to Make Some Extra Money?

avatar_b022552a2915_64As Pockettales is still fairly new and continuing to grow, they are looking for people who might be interested in helping out with submitting book quizzes into their system. As you can imagine, getting book quizzes done for the vast quantity of books out there for children is a daunting task. Pockettales would love to have parents help create quizzes and are willing to pay for you to create quizzes for them. The other great thing about this is that you can help create quizzes for our class library, which would help make sure that when students are reading books from our class, there will be a quiz ready for them.

Below, I have attached the outline of the Quiz Creating Program and the links to the page to submit your questions and see what books quizzes are needed. You can also download the form by clicking here.

Quiz Creation Overview

Spelling and Memory Verse for Week of Jan. 10

Spelling and Memory Verse for Week of Jan. 10

Here are the spelling words for this week. Check again tomorrow for some neat videos on what we are learning in Science right now.

Spelling M 1


Here are the links to the Spelling City lists. Don’t forget that you can bring in your Spelling Certificate and get a bonus mark for your spelling test!

M1 N7

The memory verse for this week comes from 1 Corinthians 15:58:

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Oilers VS Canucks Friday!

Oilers VS Canucks Friday!

Vintage-Oiler-jerseyAre you ready for it?

The canucks are playing the All Powerful, Mighty Oilers on Friday and to celebrate the Oilers easy win, students are allowed to wear their favorite teams colours on Friday.

Students must still wear their uniform pants but students will be allowed to wear shirts/jerseys with the colours and/or team logo on them. Even if students do not have an actual jersey or shirt with Oilers or Canucks on them, they can still wear shirts with the colours of their favorite team.

Looking forward to cheering for the Oilers on Friday!

Merry Christmas From The Hancocks

Merry Christmas From The Hancocks

coldnessHello everyone! Now that the craziness of the end of school for 2010 has passed by I just wanted to thank everyone for their wonderful support this last term and for the lovely gifts you were so generous in giving. Bob especially loved the food items and we had to keep telling him to not eat any more brownie squares! All the gifts were wonderful and we have been enjoying them as we relax and spend tie with our families. We are in Edmonton right now where the day is beautiful and the temperature is a balmy -20. Siena doesn’t quite know what to make of it. She likes the snow but not the coldness so much.

Deanne, Siena, Liam and I would like to wish all your family a wonderful and safe Christmas and that you would find the break to be a refreshing of the spirits with the anticipation of the year ahead filling you with a sense of hope for what lies ahead.

I always like to include this commentary by Ben Stein as I think it speaks perfectly to the season and the craziness in which the real message needs to fight through to be heard.

I keep seeing in the newspapers that it might not be a “good” Christmas because while visits to stores are up, purchases per visit are down very slightly.

There is also some fear that it might not be a “good” holiday season because fears about the housing correction will scare shoppers into keeping their wallets zipped.

I’m fascinated by this, because I have looked through a Concordance of the Old and New Testaments and I do not find the word “shopping” even once.

I’m not sure when the idea got to be dominant that a “good” Christmas was about total spending, but here respectfully are some alternative suggestions:

Maybe a good Christmas for this most blessed of nations would be when we as a nation and as communities made sure the homeless had a warm, safe place to sleep.

Maybe a good Christmas would not be about buying your kids the latest gizmo for listening to obscene lyrics, but about teaching them that if they are fortunate enough to have extra time or extra money, they can help out at the old age home or at the local animal shelter.

Maybe a good time would not be buying your parents sweaters they will never use, but taking a trip to see them and telling them how much you appreciate that they spent the heart of their lives taking care of you, feeding you, teaching you, putting a roof over your head, warming you with their love and concern.

Maybe the best time of all would be telling your husband or your wife that you would be lost without him or her and that you’re sorry for the selfish things you did that year, and you’ll be better next year.

Christmas and Hanukah presents rarely fit and rarely are to your taste. They sit in your closet and collect dust forever.

But gifts in this special, sacred time of love and caring to your family, your friends, and your neighborhood – those are never forgotten. They bring peace of mind for years.

And I seem to recall from my vanished youth that this is the holiday of the prince of peace, not the queen of diamonds.

Here are a couple of fun things for you as we zoom towards Christmas.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Hi! It’s Mrs. Goosen here. I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all of the cards and gifts I got yesterday. It has been such a blessing working in the grade four class on Thursdays – what an amazing group of students! I want to wish you all a wonderful and relaxing Christmas and I look forward to seeing the class again in January!

Thursday – Study Guide and a few other things…

Thursday – Study Guide and a few other things…

SALISHHi!  It’s Mrs. Goosen here with a few quick things…

The class will be having a quiz on our latest Social Studies unit.  I have a study guide attached for the students to review.

We will be doing a few fun activities on Thursday afternoon.  Please send along a small baggie of candies for decorating some sugar cookies as well as a one quart glass canning jar with a screw-on lid.  If you have an extra one to send along that would be great too – and I will bring some to school to make sure we have enough!!

Thanks!!  Have a great day!

Coastal Aboriginal People Study Guide

Coastal Aboriginal People Study Guide

What Are You Doing Next Week? Come On Out For Crafts!

What Are You Doing Next Week? Come On Out For Crafts!

Just a reminder that next week we will be doing crafts on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and possibly Thursday if we need it. Parent volunteers would be awesome! We’ll have some fun, play some Christmas music and enjoy the spirit of the season! Check the previous post for times!

Also, just a reminder about the Tuesday evening concert. Check the calendar for times!

It’s the last week before Christmas break so here is some fun for you!


Go Tell It On The Classblog!

Go Tell It On The Classblog!

Lot’s of fun things happening in the class these days. The Science Challenges were AWESOME!!! Thanks for all your hard work with that. It was so fun to see all the great thinking that went into such creative projects. There were no ideas that were the same; everyone had a different creative idea! At the end of the post, I have created an Animoto video showing all the great projects! Check it out!

Next week we will be doing Christmas Crafts as we lead up to the end of the year! I am looking for some parent volunteers to help out with leading some of the crafts and helping students. We will be starting on Monday and going to Thursday! Even if you can just make it on one of the days, that would be great.  The times will be:

Monday: 10:45 – 12:05

Tuesday: 10:45 – 12:00

Wednesday: 10:45 – 12:00

Thursday: 9:15 – 10:15

If you can help out, that would be great!

Just a reminder that one Friday, there is skating from 12:30 – 3:00. Students are allowed play clothes for that day!

Like last year, our class is participating in a card exchange with classes from the United States. As we get cards, we will be posting them up on the wall by the main office as well as on our blog. You can see our map of cards by clicking on the tab at the top by the link to our calendar! Check it out!

Last Spelling List for the Year!

Last Spelling List for the Year!

Not for the school year! Just this year before you start jumping up and down for joy.

We also have a memory verse for this week, which you can find on the calendar as well as in the planners!

Here are the spelling lists:



Here are the links to spelling city. Remember that if you bring your certificate in with 100 percent, you can get a bonus mark on your spelling test.

L6 N6

Mrhclassblog: The Source For All Your Grade 4 Info!

Mrhclassblog: The Source For All Your Grade 4 Info!

Apparently students were in a fluster after school today as they realized that there was a memory verse tomorrow. I reminded them that all the information about memory verses, spelling tests, Library and such can be found on the blog. One of the students said to me that they never go on the blog. Soooo, I would like to remind students that the blog is not just for parents. It also has important information about things that are coming up. This is especially true for the calendar on the blog. All memory verses for the year are on the blog and can be looked at at any time.

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