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Author: eoin24

We are a class from British Columbia, Canada. We are a class of 19 very curious and excited students that enjoy a wide range of activities (although gym always seems to come out on top!). We are interested in technology and how we can use it in the classroom to connect with our families and other people around the world.
Spelling for the Week

Spelling for the Week

Here is the spelling for the week. I know, I know! You have been waiting, eager to get going on it!


Spelling 0-3

Here are the links to Spelling City. Don’t forget! You can bring in your completed spelling test with 100% on it and receive a bonus mark for your spelling test!

M5 O3

Guest Post From Our Friends At Pockettales!

Guest Post From Our Friends At Pockettales!

Number MuncherPockettales has been a new experience for us this year. Moving our home reading program onto the web as been lots of fun and has been a positive experience for the students as they build their reading at home to gather badges, points, and levels. While we want students to enjoy reading for reading sake, sometimes a small amount of motivation can help with getting students to move forward with their reading.

Pockettales has become a great friend to us here at the class blog and I thought it would be neat to give them an opportunity to speak about their motivations for creating this site and where they hope to go with it. Yaw was very excited to contribute and share his thoughts.

When I was young, I wasn’t the best reader. On top of that, I was always worried that when I started a new book, I wouldn’t like it. I was afraid of spending time reading a new book only to find out halfway through that I wasn’t really interested in it. My lack of interest in reading led me to do worse in my English and Literature classes than the others I was taking, and my poor grades quickly made me lose interest in reading altogether.

In 2nd grade, my teacher let us play a game in class called Number Munchers. It was this really fun game where you had to solve a math problem, and once you found the answer you moved a tiny little green monster to the correct number and he would eat it! My friends and I would challenge each other to see who could get the highest score, and we shared our progress with each other all along the way. I didn’t know it at the time, but I’m sure now that playing that game was what caused me to really love math. What I also didn’t know was that I was learning a lot by playing that game. It was so engaging and challenging that it didn’t feel like work at all!

I often wonder what would have happened in my 2nd grade class if I had had a reading game I loved as much as I loved Number Munchers.

Pocket Tales is the game I wished I’d had when I was younger. We created it because we wanted to turn reading into a game we’d love to play and share with our friends.

Reading is more fun (and educational) with friends.

The best part of books is when we can share what we are reading with each other. Although we all read books on our own, the best way to learn from reading is when we can discuss with others what’s happening in books. Our friends might have uncovered a clue or noticed something really interesting that we might not have noticed reading it on our own. Isn’t it fun to hear what your friends thought about the crazy adventures Geronimo Stilton went on or why he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro? Me too! Reading is fun when you share all the interesting facts you learned from those books with your friends.

We want to help you find great books.

I said earlier that one of the biggest reasons I didn’t read lots of books when I was young was because I couldn’t find books that I liked. I wasn’t alone, it happens to a lot of kids. In fact, the top three reasons that kids don’t read more books are because:

  1. They have too much schoolwork or homework. Uh oh, we can’t help you there, better file a complaint with Mr. Hancock.
  2. They would rather do other things. Well, maybe playing the Pocket Tales game will be so fun that you won’t want to do all that other crummy stuff, like chores or laundry, ha ha!
  3. And lastly, they can’t find books that they like. Yes, we know! We can help!

I know the books I really liked were the ones I picked out on my own or the ones my closest friends were reading. By letting kids recommend books to their friends, we hope to be a powerful recommendation engine that helps kids discover books that they will actually LIKE to read.

Games are the best!

Lastly, every great game keeps score, right? Well, at Pocket Tales we aren’t worried so much about score. We turned reading into a game because games give you a fun way to engage with your favorite books on a deeper level, and that’s really important to us. Engagement in reading is one of the best ways that have been found to help kids learn and succeed with reading. We hope that if we can help you find books you like while also helping you learn something from every book you read, you’ll become a better reader and develop a lifelong love for reading.

With Pocket Tales, our goals are simple: 1) to encourage you to read more often by making reading as fun as possible, 2) to help you find more books that you’ll love to read, and 3) to help you get more education, entertainment and engagement out of every single book you read.

We hope you have as much fun playing Pocket Tales as we have had making it for you!

Yaw Aning

Chief Executive Officer
Pocket Tales | Adventures in Reading

Spelling and Memory Verse with a Slight Chance of a Tornado

Spelling and Memory Verse with a Slight Chance of a Tornado

whodunit2It’s Monday and it’s already an exciting week here at the blog! We have started a Mystery Unit and already there has been a mysterious event in the class!

During recess today, someone came into the room and carried off our beloved AT-AT walker. They left behind a ransom note stating that if we wanted to see it back in one piece, we had to solve the clues. The first clue will apparently appear tonight on the blog! Very exciting!

Here are the spelling words for this week.


Spelling 0-2

Here are the links to Spelling City! Remember to bring in your completed test with 100% to receive a bonus mark on the Friday Spelling Test!

M4 O2

Our memory verse for the week comes from Philippians 4:9 and should be glued into the student’s planners.

For fun, here is a video showing the destructive powers of a tornado and how they are made!

FSA Practice!

FSA Practice!

testWell, that time has finally come. FSA tests are upon us and will be done throughout the month of February. There are 6 components to the test with two of the parts, Reading and Math Problem Solving, done on the computer.

We have been practicing throughout the year. However, more practice can always be done so that students are used to the style and presentation of the test questions.

You can help too!

If you click on the link below, it will take you to the practice pages for both Reading and Math. You can work through the problems with your child. As they can be challenging, for Math, encourage your child to highlight and draw pictures using the important information.

Click here for FSA practice pages

The Privilege of Sharing

The Privilege of Sharing

raised_handsAs you probably know already, our school has started a couple of fund raising campaigns. This year we are focusing on raising awareness and funds for our playground and for the upcoming missions to Haiti.

Our playground continues to be a well used and loved area of our school. With the recent equipment purchased, students have gained a whole new way to use their minds and bodies to stretch, manipulate and interact with. These are all important skills and abilities for growing minds and bodies. As such, we are looking to purchase more equipment to give more students an opportunity to use the equipment and participate. For that fundraiser, we are looking to start a coin drive for the month of February. If you have any loose change lying around or a piggy bank that is starting to look a little fat around the middle, please consider donating to our playground fund and giving to help our students and school grow in opportunities to learn and play.

The second fundraiser, our mission trip to Haiti is also a very important one. In a time and area, where there is so much hunger, loss and needs, our missions trip is our opportunity to give to those who need so much. In the student’s planners today, you will see an order form for Krispy Creme donuts. The Missions group has also provided us with a specific need that they would like us to give towards. They are looking for us to help them with providing the following things:

New or Gently Used

  • small stuffed animals (Beanie Baby or Webkinz size)
  • toys (Hot Wheels, dolls, balls, cars and trucks, etc.)
  • summer clothes, sandals and flip flops for ages 5-17
  • Pencil Crayons, and glue sticks

If you can help us out with those items that would be wonderful!

Spelling and Other Things!

Spelling and Other Things!

Good afternoon! I hope everyone had a great afternoon! We had a fantastic day with lots of things happening.

The students are doing some great work on their Novel Study projects and I am looking forward to the finished projects. Students will be working on those for one more week here and then will be taking them home to finish. We are also nearing the end of our Science Unit on Weather. Students are doing some research on Extreme Weather and will be writing short reports. As we are close to being done, there will be a test coming up on the things we have been learning about. I will prepare a study guide for that as we get closer so that students can see what sort of things will be on it.

Our Pockettales contest is finished now and we had the final vote today. The winners of the contest were Cooper, Anna, Michael and Sydniegh. They will be receiving gift cards for Chapters and Sydneigh will have hers done up as one of the new badges on the Pockettale site. Congratulations to all those who put a badge in for the contest. They were all awesome with lots of thought and creativity. It was extremely hard to choose the winners! I believe that all the badges will be put up on the Pockettales blog to show them off as everyone did such a great job! Just as a reminder, the reading program (participation on Pockettales and reading times in the planners) is a part of their Language Arts mark in Reading (1%).

Here are the spelling words for the week:


Spelling 0 1

Here are the links to Spelling City. Don’t forgot that you can practice your words and test yourself. If you get 100% on the test on Spelling City bring in the certificate and you can get an extra mark on your spelling test on Friday!

M3 O1

Here is the memory verse for this week:

So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 2 Peter 3:14

Spelling Words, Skiing and Book Projects

Spelling Words, Skiing and Book Projects

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. If you hadn’t realized, our class is going to be going skiing tomorrow. The bus will be leaving at 6:45! So, please be here by 6:30. Just a reminder though, that, even though the bus ride is a long one, our policy is that there be no electronics on the bus. That we don’t have to worry about inappropriate materials or items getting lost/stolen.

Students are also starting a book project as we have now finished our Novel Study. The students may need to bring some materials from home including a shoe box, hanger, small box, paper towel rolls, modeling clay depending on what project they do.  They need to have these materials in by Weds. Please check to see if your child needs these items. They may not as they may be involved in a project that doesn’t involve these materials.

Here are the spelling words for this week. The memory verse should also be in your child’s planners. You can also check the class calendar by clicking on the link at the top of the page.



Here are the links to Spelling City!

M2 N8

Parents! Love Reading Books? Want to Make Some Extra Money?

Parents! Love Reading Books? Want to Make Some Extra Money?

avatar_b022552a2915_64As Pockettales is still fairly new and continuing to grow, they are looking for people who might be interested in helping out with submitting book quizzes into their system. As you can imagine, getting book quizzes done for the vast quantity of books out there for children is a daunting task. Pockettales would love to have parents help create quizzes and are willing to pay for you to create quizzes for them. The other great thing about this is that you can help create quizzes for our class library, which would help make sure that when students are reading books from our class, there will be a quiz ready for them.

Below, I have attached the outline of the Quiz Creating Program and the links to the page to submit your questions and see what books quizzes are needed. You can also download the form by clicking here.

Quiz Creation Overview

Spelling and Memory Verse for Week of Jan. 10

Spelling and Memory Verse for Week of Jan. 10

Here are the spelling words for this week. Check again tomorrow for some neat videos on what we are learning in Science right now.

Spelling M 1


Here are the links to the Spelling City lists. Don’t forget that you can bring in your Spelling Certificate and get a bonus mark for your spelling test!

M1 N7

The memory verse for this week comes from 1 Corinthians 15:58:

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Oilers VS Canucks Friday!

Oilers VS Canucks Friday!

Vintage-Oiler-jerseyAre you ready for it?

The canucks are playing the All Powerful, Mighty Oilers on Friday and to celebrate the Oilers easy win, students are allowed to wear their favorite teams colours on Friday.

Students must still wear their uniform pants but students will be allowed to wear shirts/jerseys with the colours and/or team logo on them. Even if students do not have an actual jersey or shirt with Oilers or Canucks on them, they can still wear shirts with the colours of their favorite team.

Looking forward to cheering for the Oilers on Friday!

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