Our First Science Challenge of the Year! Woot!

Our First Science Challenge of the Year! Woot!

As you may know, I love creativity and getting kids to think outside of the box. I believe that there is nothing more important than teaching students how to think for themselves and not having to depend on others to solve things for them or think for them. Not every problem we encounter can be easily solved and many of the problems facing this next generation will require some very creative thinking. slider5

As a result, I came up with the idea of giving science challenges to the students as a way to get them thinking in creative ways and to develop problem solving skills. I also wanted to devise a way for families to do something together to help parents build these skills in their children. I didn’t want just homework that involved doing the same work over and over that they had already done in school. I wanted something that the whole family could enjoy and work together on as a family; as problem solvers! These Science challenges are meant to be fun, family projects. I will provide plenty of time to work on the projects. There will be no winners or losers. Every idea should be and will be celebrated.


However, there will be accountability in that, students will be marked on their completed projects. It will be marked as part of their marks for the report card. The mark will simply consist of 5 points for completed project, 3 points for projects that are complete but are late and 0 marks for students who do not complete the projects.

I encourage you to do these projects as a family. Your child can work with you, with their siblings or anyone else in their families (immediate or otherwise) who is interested in participating. However, the keyword is working with you! Please do not do the project for your child as that negates the whole purpose.

I know that some students have siblings who may have done this project before. I debated changing this project but enjoy this one so much that I decided to do it anyway. However, I encourage you to not copy what has already been done but to look for a different way to complete the task.

If you have any questions, please feel free to come talk to me:

So here it is, This term’s Science Challenge:

Make a snowball catapult using some/all of the following materials, but nothing else. Scissors may be used in construction but not in the solution.

  • 6 Chopsticks or sticks that are the same size
  • Plastic Cup
  • Several Medium-width Elastic Bands
  • Sticky Tack
  • Pen
  • Tape

The catapult will need to be able to launch a paper “snowball”. This project is due Friday, Nov. 27 !


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