How’s the Weather In Glocca Morra?

How’s the Weather In Glocca Morra?

climate-changeIn science we have been learning about weather and climate. One would think that would be easy when you see it right outside your window. However, there are many things to learn about how the weather works. Today, students were learning about the difference between weather and climate. Weather is all about what is happening in the atmosphere or sky all the time. Climate doesn’t change from hour to hour. Put simply, climate is the average weather in an area of the world. Students also learned that there are climate controls or things that make climates different in different places in the world. One of those is how close you are to the equator. Another is how close you are to a large body of water. Here is a nice video that shows the differences:

Bill Nye has great videos and here is a great one talking about climate and weather:

Finally, students earned their party for hard work and good behaviour. Students will be having a party on Thursday. If you would like to contribute anything, that would be appreciated. However, students are not obligated to bring anything.

Also, our class is looking for any spare wireless computer mice. If you have extras kicking around the class or would like to donate one, we would like to use them for interacting with the smartboard during Math time.


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