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The Water Cycle Makes It . . . Rain . . . Rain!

The Water Cycle Makes It . . . Rain . . . Rain!

water-drop-aWe have had some fun this week in Science. Students have been learning about the Water Cycle and how the water goes from liquids to gas back to liquids again in a cycle of evaporation and condensation. To show this, we did a great experiment yesterday where Mr. Hancock brought his OVEN MITTS OF SCIENCE to school. You can try this experiment at home as well. All you need is a kettle, a tin plate, water and ice cubes.

  1. Put 250 mls of water in the kettle and start it boiling. This will change the water to steam or water vapour. Water vapour is a gas. You can pretend that this is the water found on Earth being heated by the sun and evaporating into our air.
  2. Put the ice cubes into the tray and hold it over the steam. The ice cubes cool the gas or water vapour and collects it on the bottom of the ray. This is called condensation. This is just like the water vapour in our air being cooled as it travels up into the atmosphere. As it cools, it collects into clouds and turns back into water in the process called condensation.
  3. Watch the tin plate or cloud changing more and more water vapour back into water. As more and more collects, it starts to get too heavy and it starts to rain or precipitate.

It was a very cool experiment. Today, we reviewed our material by playing Science Jeopardy and starting our project on making Water Cycle posters describing the whole process. We also watched some fun videos about the water cycle which I am putting down below for your enjoyment.

If you would like to download the Water Cycle song, click here!

On Friday, students will be participating in the Terry Fox Run. We will be running or walking around the field starting at about 9:30. We are asking students to bring in a Loonie or Toonie to raise awareness of this terrible disease.

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