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Tag: languagearts poetry poem math Science social

What We’ve Done

What We’ve Done

Today was another busy day. If I seem to ramble please forgive me. We just had so many things going on today. There is no devotion today as students were in chapel. They had a wonderful explanation of the story of Jesus washing the feet of Peter. In Language Arts, we started our sound poems and the ones I read today of the students were simply fantastic. We have some great creative writers in this class and their poems are a joy to read.

In Math, students did their math test for sections 15 and 16. If you would like to work with them on math related things at home, you can help them with their times tables facts and with the difference between perimeter and area. Perimeter is the distance around an object which can be added up to find the perimeter. Area is the amount of space inside an object. The area can be found by multiplying the width by the height.

Social and Science was finishing up tasks started a couple of classes ago. In social the students are continuing to work on reports about wither Kelowna or Fort Nelson. The reports are three paragraphs long which is something new for the students. In science, students are finishing postcards describing atmosphere and evidence which are two terms we have learned about in our study of space.

In talking to one of the parents in the class, I took another look at our newsletter and realized that I was missing a page. Somehow the page with the calendar did not get sent home with the others. So I will send them home again.

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