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Pumpkin Math Day

Pumpkin Math Day

What an incredible day! Students were greeted this morning by pumpkins everywhere! They also discovered why they needed old shirts as all the students got to carve pumpkins today.

We took a break from their regular math work and incorporated some math into looking at pumpkins. Students had to estimate the weight and diameter of their pumpkins. Then they actually had to measure them using tape measures and scales. Student then had to estimate the number of seeds in their pumpkins before cutting into them. What a mess! But the students did really well and managing themselves and getting the goop out. Once they had counted all the seeds in their pumpkins they had to enter their totals into the graph on the whiteboard. We all discovered that their are a lot of seeds in a pumpkin! Before we had started, we used a neat site called A Maths Dictionary to learn about polygon shapes. If you haven’t seen the site check it out! You can find it on the left side in the links. We learned that polygons are shapes that have three or more straight sides. Students then had to take their learning and carve patterns of polygons on their pumpkins. It was a great day of learning!!! Check out the pictures below!

I also have a short video of the activities.

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