Rain, Rain, Go Away….

Rain, Rain, Go Away….

Hope you’re all doing well! As we enter into June, there will be lots of updates and information going home with all the plans that usually come with the end of the year. Please bear with us. I know this is time is just as busy for all of you and we appreciate all your efforts.

Poetry Book Project

Our Grade 5 and 6 class has been working on an exciting project: writing and publishing a book of poetry for their kindergarten buddies. During one of our times with the kindergarten class, we were laughing about what an elephant ladybug would look like. One of our students said, “Wouldn’t it be funny if animals dreamed of being other animals?” And an idea was born. Since we were in the middle of our poetry unit, we developed a poem template, brainstormed animals and what they might dream of being, and each student wrote a poem based on their chosen animal.

We’ve been using the design program Canva all year, and students each created their own page for the good copy of their poem. Using AI tools within Canva, students created a picture of what their animal would look like, completing their page. I then compiled all the pages into one book. In the next couple of days, we will be editing their pages, and upon completion, we will send the book off to be printed, purchasing one book for the kindergarten class and one for the library. This project provides a unique audience for the students’ written work that goes beyond just their teacher, and the students are very excited to see the completed book. Here is an example of one of the pages:

Pokemon Cards

While this is not usually an issue at the Grade 5/6, we’d like to just make a general note asking that Pokemon cards be kept at home to prevent distractions and disruptions in the classroom and on the playground. While we understand how much fun these cards can be, issues can arise when things like “trades” happen. Thanks for your help with this!

Art Gala Appreciation

A huge thank you to everyone who came out to the Art Gala! It was a fantastic evening celebrating the amazing artwork of our intermediate students. Your presence and encouragement made the event even more special. Our students work so hard on their art during the year and it is such a privilege to be able to have them displayed all in one place for one night of the year for every one to see, rather than just having them sent home. It is always one of my favourite nights of the year and an important way to give students an audience for their work.

Upcoming Grade 5/6 Puberty Discussion

As you know from the recent email home, we have our puberty and sex education afternoons coming up for Grades 5 and 6. We understand this can be a sensitive topic, so we want to make sure everyone feels comfortable. Information packages are available at the office for those who want to learn more. Attendance is not mandatory, and you can pick up your child at noon on Tuesday, June 4th, and Tuesday, June 11th, if you prefer.

Grade 5 students will only attend the first session on puberty and won’t participate in the sex education afternoon.

Upcoming Grade 6 Transition Parent Meeting

We have a Grade 6 Transition Parent Meeting on Monday, June 10th, from 2:55 PM to 3:25 PM in the chapel. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the move to Grade 7 and to ask any questions you might have. On the same day, students will meet with the Grade 7 teachers from 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM in the chapel to discuss the transition and get their questions answered.

Bible Memory Verse

This week’s Bible memory verse is Isaiah 29:30. This verse is a great reminder for our Grade 5 and 6 students about the importance of wisdom and understanding as they continue to grow academically and personally. It encourages them to seek knowledge and stay strong in their faith, even when things get tough.

Thanks for all your support and involvement in your child’s education. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out.

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