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Month: March 2014

Spelling List for the Week

Spelling List for the Week

Yes. Even though it is the last week before Spring Break there is a Spelling List. However, there will be no Memory Verse for this week dur to my forgetfulness. 🙂

Spelling Q2 by ihancock

Here is the link to the Spelling City list. Don’t forget to bring in a parent signature or printed copy of the completed Spelling quiz to get your bonus mark!


Class Party Tomorrow

Class Party Tomorrow

Well, students have finally earned all 75 of their stars. And to celebrate, we will be having a class party tomorrow afternoon. I have asked the students to bring snacks as we did last time (chips, cookies, fruit, other snack items). If you could send those items to class tomorrow, that would be much appreciated.


Mr. H

Notes from Mr. H

Notes from Mr. H

A couple of notes for you this week:

  1. As this is now a short week, there will be no memory verse or spelling list this week.
  2. Genius Hour is tomorrow so if your child needs to bring anything, make sure they have it ready to go.
  3. On Friday, we will be going skating. The bus will be leaving at 9:00 for our 9:30 skate time. Skating will be from 9:30 – 10:30. I have included the permission form below for you to print out and send with your child. I will also be sending one in paper form tomorrow. It will need to be back by Thursday.
  4. Friday is a half day PD, students are dismissed at 12:00.

Ice Skating Good


Mr. Hancock

What’s That? More Videos?

What’s That? More Videos?

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any of these videos but I stumbled across a new one and it reminded of how much I enjoyed the previous videos. These videos are made by a guy named Matt. He has made a living of going around the world dancing with people and putting the dances together into one video per year. They are so much fun. They are uplifting and show everyone that, despite the strife, wars and anger that it is out there, there are still so many good people in this world and joy and peace are far stronger. I wonder if he knows Mrs. Waffenschmidt?


Videos For A Snowy Day

Videos For A Snowy Day

It’s a blustery, snowy day out there and, if you are anything like me, (and I know I am) you are curled up on your couch in front of the fire. Well then. I have the perfect thing for you to do.

Here are some neat videos on a variety of things. We will start off with a new Kid President video and work our way from there. Enjoy!


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