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A Mathterpiece!!!

A Mathterpiece!!!

In math today, we looked at an interesting problem. The problem was unlike any we have seen before. However, that did not stop the students of Grade 3!!! Oh no, they rose to the occasion. One of our Ben’s came up with the correct solution and used a neat site called Artpad to draw it out and decorate for us to show you!!

Here is the final piece:

So, once he finished his final piece, we hung it in our art gallery! Here it is surounded by other Mathterpieces!

You can click either one of them to make them bigger!

Some other announcements:

We are starting to get ready for the Speech Meet which is happening March 6th in Abbotsford. As you can imagine, lots of students volunteered to participate. However, only four students can do a poem and only another four can do a memory verse. As I have to have the names to Ms. Evans by the 16th, we will have to do a little in-house trial to see who can go. Therefore, if your child has volunteered to try out for the Speech Meet, they will be coming home with a memory verse or a poem to memorize. We will do the trial here in class on Tuesday.

Valentine’s Day: We will be allowing students to wear play clothes with white, pink or red colours on them (not including the pants) on this Friday. We will have activities Friday afternoon on a Valentine’s theme for some fun.

A Space-y Day!!!

A Space-y Day!!!

Wow! What an amazing day! Lots of great things happening here in Grade 3. There was lots of learning, laughing, work and fun to be had. The day went by really fast.

First of all, in science, the students are really getting into their Space Unit. Today, the students were preparing cover pages for their new unit. They drew things on the cover page that reflected what they knew about space already. There are some great pictures! We also spend some time using Stellarium and WWTelescope looking at galaxies, stars, planets and the constellations. Students learned all about the constellation Orion the Hunter using Stellarium. Stellarium is a great free program where students can see the stars and constellations for their own location in real time or in the future. It has to be see to be believed. You can get it free by clicking the links. WWTelescope is another free program that is just magnificent. You can view planets, galaxies and zoom in on them. You can watch a guided tour or create your own tour. If your computer can handle it, please download it as it is an beautiful and amazing guide to God’s amazing creation!

I forgot to place the link to the Spelling City here this week. So here is the link. Just click on the picture to be taken to it.

Just a reminder as well that students have a Mad Minute test tomorrow. If you would like to practice their addition and subtraction facts, you can print off these pages by clicking here (addition and subtraction) or using the image below.



Also, I forgot to mention to the students that we have skating for tomorrow. So students need to bring their skating items. They may also wear their play clothes tomorrow.

Here is one of the videos I showed the students about the stars in our galaxy. Students were amazed by how small our sun is compared to the other stars!!

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

Today was a special day as Stephen came back to us. It was so good to have him back after being away with appendicitis!

There was a lot going on today. One big thing was that we ended off our building today. You can see the final budget totals by clicking the link “The Kids Who Rock At Building” link at the very top of the page. We are going to be finishing off their booklets to be handed in and marked. Our next unit of study will be Space. I love this unit as do the students and I am looking forward to doing lots of really cool projects and learning all about space with the students.

Students will be having a quiz on their adding, subtracting and multiplying facts starting on Friday. We will be doing a practice tomorrow. If you would like some practice pages, you can create your own using the Math Facts Cafe link on the left side. For math, students have just finished learning the 6 times tables and equivalent fractions.

Please continue to help your child with their reading every night. They should be reading at least 10 mins a night.

Our memory verse this week is:

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Ephesians 4:30-31

We will be doing their memory verses on Friday this week. A number of students had difficulty remembering that they needed to be practicing last week.

Here are the spelling words for this week. You can download them here spelling-m-7or from the widget on the right side of the page:

Spelling M 7

To end off here is another video from the Simon’s Cat series we enjoy! Have a great night!

Friday is Fun With A Capital F!

Friday is Fun With A Capital F!

Well, another week has gone by. This year is going fast already. The students have had an awesome couple of weeks. We are just about to wrap up our building projects and are looking towards our Space unit.

Students had their math quiz today, and from the looks of things, they all did quite well. Starting next week, students will be doing a weekly Mad Minutes. They will have to answer 35 adding in two minutes, 35 subtracting in two minutes and 25 multiplying in two minutes. If you would like to practice for these, you can create your own quizzes using the Math Fact Cafe link on the side under the links.

As we have started our memory verse again, please work with your child on helping them to memorize their verses for each Friday.

Here is the link for next weeks Spelling Words. Justr click on the picture and you will be taken to the new words with the activities.

For devotions today, we did something a little different. One of my favorite bands is the David Crowder Band. So I found a video with their music and words and we sang along with it. Anyway, I thought I would also share it with you.

To end off, I would like to share one of my favorite poems with you. I was sharing it with Mrs. Davies and I was telling her that we had a copy of this poem hanging on our wall at home. So to end of this week, here is a poem that means a lot to me.


written by Max Ehrmann

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Stephen! Are you reading this?

Stephen! Are you reading this?

Just checking!!

I’ve been hearing lots of great things about the spelling city. The students seem to really be enjoying the activities and the ability to practice their spelling words. Here are the spelling words (m-6) for the week for you to print out if you like. They are also on the widget on the side.


I am thinking of a way to reward the students for using the spelling city site to encourage them to use it. I will let you know about what I come up with soon. Speaking of tests, we forgot about the 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 times table test today. We will instead be doing it for Friday. That gives the students a couple more days in which to practice.

Mrs. Caswell has passed out the recorders for the students as you may have noticed today (and I am sure you have noticed!). There is also a note that was to go home with it as well. The students will be bringing the notes home tomorrow. You can also get the notice in the widget on the side.

The memory verse for the week is from Ephesians 4:29:

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Thank you working so hard on voting for the site. We came a long way and from far behind. We didn’t make it but had a good run nonetheless. Thank you for your support. I have not been able to write as much as I wish I could. I am still adjusting to having a baby at home. However, I am going to really make sure I get some more posts out during the week to help you stay better informed. Thanks!

First Week Back

First Week Back

Well, even though it was a short week, many things have been happening here in grade 3. Along with the news about being a finalist in the 2008 Weblog Awards, I have been looking out for new ideas and sites to add to our array of technology use in the class. Though I love technology, the massive number of applications and internet sites now available can be overwhelming at times. It can be very hard to choose the best sites to use that will have a longer lastin g educational impact on students. One of the hard things is also the fact that the students have not been able to get into the computer lab. That, however, will change this term with some time being given to the class to get into the computer lab.

We are also looking to incorporate some technology in terms of our social unit and our spelling. Later on, at the end of our mapping unit students will be learning all about longitude and latitude using a gps device to create “geocaches”. I think this will be a lot of fun for the students as well as something new for them. I have also found a great site to help inspire some interest in working on spelling words through the week. I won’t give it away now but I think the students will find it a lot of fun.

Today I introduced the students to a new site in Art. The site is called, It’s an art site where students can guide brushes of differing sizes and styles to create abstract art. Students can then save their art work to show others later. The site is alot of fun though the saving part might be a little difficult to do. Parents, you may have to help them to save the files if the students are wanting to print them out.

The voting blitz is still on for the 2008 Weblogs Awards. You can vote every 24 hours by going to:

and voting. One of the students said that he didn’t see anything when he clicked on the link. In that case, you may have to click on the link below to update your “flash”. On the next site, click on the yellow button with the words “Agree and Install” on it to download and install the new flash program. After that, you shouldn’t have any problems.

As tomorrow is Friday, we will be having our class meeting. If you are not aware, our class meetings happen every Friday that there is school. I use class meetings to talk about the good things that classmates do to encourage character development and positive citizenship. We also discuss, anonymously, any issues that the students may be having in the class. The goal is to give students skills and ideas on how to solve problems involving relationships and building lasting, caring friendships. My goal is to help students to move away from always having to have an adult solve their problems and rather, give students strategies and skills to know how to navigate the difficult area of dealing with problems on their own. As I tell the students, I am not always going to be with them and they need some ways to solve problems on their own. We will have lots to talk about as we deal with some normal issues from this week and focus on ways to remind each other that vacation is over and we need to get back to the business of learning.

Speaking of the business of learning, students have a test next week on the 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, and 10 times tables. Practicing those times tables with flash cards would be very helpful in preparing students for the test on Tuesday. You can also use the ideas and worksheets on Math Fact Cafe and to help them prepare.

A Couple of Neat Sites

A Couple of Neat Sites

I was highlighting a couple of neat sites today for the kids. One was a really fun site from an american zoo. It allows you to create a “wild animal” in your likeness. The other site is a site to help learn the mulitplication tables but also includes a free game you can download to learn the multiplication tables.

The first site, “Build Your Wild Self” was created by the New York Zoos and Aquariums group. In this site you can build a representation of yourself, then add body parts from other animals. Once you are done you can then learn about the different types of animals you have used. You can then print it out, send it to someone or put it as your desktop. You can see my example here.

The other site, “” has lots of great resources and activities for learning your multiplication tables. There are games, downloads and activities to use with your children. The best part is that there is a free game which you can get to from the site or by clicking here. Once you scroll to the bottom, you will see that there is a sign-up where you will need to put your name and email. The reason they ask for your email is so that they can send you the link to download it. If you like you can use our class email which is (using the at sign instead of the word) and our password which I will not type here but has something to do with Mr.H’s evil twin brother! You will then get an email with the link which you will have to click. The download will start. Once that is done, you will need to install the program and then play!

Have fun and have a great weekend!!!

Pumpkin Math Day

Pumpkin Math Day

What an incredible day! Students were greeted this morning by pumpkins everywhere! They also discovered why they needed old shirts as all the students got to carve pumpkins today.

We took a break from their regular math work and incorporated some math into looking at pumpkins. Students had to estimate the weight and diameter of their pumpkins. Then they actually had to measure them using tape measures and scales. Student then had to estimate the number of seeds in their pumpkins before cutting into them. What a mess! But the students did really well and managing themselves and getting the goop out. Once they had counted all the seeds in their pumpkins they had to enter their totals into the graph on the whiteboard. We all discovered that their are a lot of seeds in a pumpkin! Before we had started, we used a neat site called A Maths Dictionary to learn about polygon shapes. If you haven’t seen the site check it out! You can find it on the left side in the links. We learned that polygons are shapes that have three or more straight sides. Students then had to take their learning and carve patterns of polygons on their pumpkins. It was a great day of learning!!! Check out the pictures below!

I also have a short video of the activities.

Monday, Monday!!

Monday, Monday!!

It was a great day today. We got a lot of work done today and the students are really starting to feel confident with multiplication. Many of them said that before this year, they were worried that they were going to find multiplication hard but now think that it will be really easy which is great to hear though we are still just getting into introducing the concept.

Science today was really interesting. Some of the students had made an actual Oobleck machine out of different materials and we spent a little bit of time exploring their creations and testing how they worked. One of the students then asked a really good question about what an Oobleck creature would look like so we spent some time talking about that. I will put some pictures on the blog of the machines when I get my camera back (my wife has it right now, and is holding it hostage until I bring the memory card back home from school!). I also have some audio clips of students talking about their oobleck drawings and will add those when I have some time.

Here are the spelling words for this week. Again you can see them below, click the link above for download them from the widget on the right hand side.

Who’s Ned?

Who’s Ned?

Well, Ned was in town today and a whole lot of yo-yo fun was to be had. It was a great performance with a great Christian message. The students loved the tricks and the presenter, Tim, was great and really spoke well to the students in a way that was entertaining and enjoyable.

Here is an animoto of the presenter. The pictures aren’t great but give an idea of what was going on. I also included a couple of clips of people doing yo-yo tricks and a video of a lesson on how to do a trick.

In math, the students have started multiplication with a look at the dimensions of a rectangle. Students learned that rectangles can be made up of lots of little squares. A dimension is the number of squares going along the bottom of the rectangle and how many squares going up the side of a rectangle there are. We call it over and up. Students also learned that the over number of squares times the up number of squares equals the area of the rectangle or the product. I know what you’re saying! “Easy for you to say, Mr.Hancock!” Well, the students caught on very quickly and were able to create rectangles with me only giving them the area of the rectangle.

This afternoon, students had their first party. We had a great time and the students are now working on the next 25 stars they need to have their next party. However, they may find it to be a little harder as I tend to get quite picky as the year goes on.

Reminder that Friday is both their spelling test and their memory verse reciting. Please help your child to work on both those items. If you need a spelling list, you can download the list from the class files section of the blog.

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