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Tag: field trips

News about Field trip and Class Party

News about Field trip and Class Party

First of all, I was reminded this morning that parents have already pre-paid for field trips this year! So please disregard the request for money (although I could put it towards a Tylenol fund for dealing with a crying baby!!!)

And now for something completely different:

Class Party !!!!!

We are happy to report that your kids have been working very hard to earn enough stars in class to have another class party! The government, however, has now implemented new regulations that do not allow us to offer unhealthy treats at school (such as pop, candy, and regular chips). For this reason, we are getting creative and have come up with a possible list of healthier alternatives! We would love it if your student could bring something to the party –this Monday, Dec 01/08 – from the list below, or some other healthy snack we have not thought of. Please discuss this with your child today, so that we can get an idea on Fri. of who will be able to bring things on Monday.

fruit plates
cheese & cracker plates
veggies & dip
healthy chips
juice boxes
popcorn (please bring it already popped)
rice cakes
homemade cupcakes, cookies, rice krispy squares etc.

Thanks so much for all you do to help us throughout the year. It is very appreciated!

More Notes in the Box!

More Notes in the Box!

As you may, or may not have noticed, there are some new notes in the widget on the right side. The first one is a copy of the swim trip permission form that was sent home today in case your child’s did not make it home. The next one is one of the worksheets your child was working on today. This one was all about -ly words which help make sentences more interesting. Actually, most -ly words are a form of adverb which help describe the action of the sentence. However, there are some, like the word lonely, which are used as adjectives.

The last note was a reminder about lunches. We have had quite a few problems with students forgetting lunches. When this happens, we usually ask the other students if anyone has anything to share. However, this then means that those students don’t get to eat all their lunch. The other problem we have had, is that some students are complaining that they are still hungry.

If you would please help your child by making sure that they remember their lunch and ask the if they are getting enough to eat, that would make sure that this problem gets solved.

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