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Science, Airplanes, and Experiments, Oh My!

Science, Airplanes, and Experiments, Oh My!

Our first full day of school and it was jam packed. We had a great day doing a variety of things. We started with some handwriting review and went into some math review. We have also been focusing a lot of the correct procedures for doing things during the day, particularly in paying attention and following directions. The first few days of school are always about procedures and other things that make the school days go smoother. This amazing class is well on it’s way and students have already earned lots of stars towards their first prize!

For Science, we had a couple of great activities focusing on how to work as a group and the scientific method. We are going to be doing lots of group work and science experiments this year with a focus on doing science like real scientists. So….. we made paper airplanes. I know. I know. I was just talking about teaching the students to do science like real scientists and now I’m saying that they spent science making paper airplanes? That’s right! But it does have to do with science. Making paper airplanes was the first part of our experiment to see if and how we can make a paper airplane fly farther. On Friday, we will be going through the scientific method to answer that question, make a hypothesis, run trials to test our hypothesis, create an independent variable and a constant variable and analyze our results. Having said that, the kids had a blast making and designing their paper airplanes. At the end of the day today, we tested which one of the two they made flew the best to determine which one they will actually use for the experiment.

One of the other things we did is talk about how to work well as a group. To do that, the students had a challenge where they had to move cups into a pyramid shape using only a rubber band and string. It was so much fun watching them and they all accomplished the task with flying colours though they did seem a little skeptical at first! Here are some pictures from the challenge:


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