Instant Snow and Gym

Instant Snow and Gym


Yes, I know. A very strange title for a blog post but all shall be explained. đŸ™‚

As schedules are getting settled and students are getting into the rhythm of things, I just wanted to make a quick note about a gym times. Gym is scheduled for after lunch on Tuesdays and before lunch on Fridays. If gym clothes are going home to be washed (which is always a good thing!), please make sure students have their gym clothes available for the next gym class. As the gym uniform is mandatory starting in Grade 4, please make sure that your child has their gym uniform in the next couple of weeks as this is a part of their mark for gym.

As for Instant Snow…! Well, Christmas came early in our class. Sort of. Students met a very mysterious white powder that Mr. H had discovered (he said it was in his backyard but the students don’t believe him). After making their initial observations, students rapidly added water and watched in amazement as the power quickly expanded and poured out of their cups. Later on, it was explained to them that this was a polyacrylate or, in other words, instant snow. Polyacrylates are used in diapers as well to absorb moisture. This was all part of teaching students what real scientists do. Following that experiment, today students began to develop their own experiments with Instant Snow discussing with their class members how they can change one variable to create a whole new experiment. Once students come up with their idea, they will develop their question and a hypothesis before actually doing their experiment. I did say that their experiment was not allowed to involve anything being blown up!

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