


. . . hope in the Lord from this time on and forevermore. (Psalm 131:3)

 Yep, it’s Thursday! Thursdays always feel like they come and go so fast. The time we did have together, we worked on our math. In math we are looking at the seven times tables and multiply a single number by 10 and 100. Students learned that the easiest way to multiply by 10 and 100’s is to take the zeros off, multiply the remaining numbers and add the remaining zeros back on. The students caught on very quickly though we will take another look at this again next week.

wildpaintingcontrast2-800.jpgStudents also had floor hockey and art in the afternoon. For the past few weeks students have had Ms. Evans in the classroom doing art with the students while I have taken the enrichment group to do a mystery unit. Ms. Evans did a fabulous job with the kids. (Yeah, Ms. Evans!) It is such a blessing to work with such a great group of teachers. Everyone is so willing to share and help out that it just makes a great place to work. This week they were working on contrast in art. Students took white strips of paper cutting different types of lines into it. They then had to arrange the white strips onto the black construction paper in a pleasing and complex series of lines.

One thought on “Crrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzyyyyyy

  1. Hi everybody, I have been printing a lot of planets and stars to I did it for showentell bye everybody conor

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